
Sports Day...

So today was a day of sports and exercise in China. Here is a short note that we were given to explain what Sports day is all about in China;

All over China universities celebrate and promote sports and healthy lifestyles by excusing classes for two days typically in the fall but Sias is different and they do it in the spring. This is most likely due to the annual International Culture Week celebration. According to one Chinese teacher, Sports Day(s) began in the 1970's as a result of a Fu jian man's desire to inspire exercising habits in the students of his university. As other schools noticed the benefits of their students exercising they too organized Sports Days at their schools.

So today and tomorrow our students will be participating in sporting events from track and field events to random "fun" events. To me it's almost like a "field day" from when I was in middle school, just a little more involved.

As teachers we are required to participate in a few events as well. Both Lacy and I swam against other teachers today, and will swim again tomorrow. Lacy swam with 4 other teachers in a relay race and I swam a 50 meter race and tomorrow a 100 meter race.

Here are some pictures from the opening ceremony this morning. Over 600 faculty were involved in performing for the students. Enjoy!

(photos taken by matt hux)

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