
Settled in...

Hey everyone...

We are finally settled into our apartment and teaching. It's been a crazy few weeks since we arrived, especially for Lacy. She's been walking around "eyes wide open." Our flights were smooth and went without delays, what a blessing. It seems like the past few times I have flown I've had at least a 2 hour delay. So it was nice to leave and arrive on schedule. We arrived in Beijing around 5:30 am China time and then we had to catch another flight to our final destination Zhengzhou, China. We live about 25 minutes from the airport so we got to the school by 10:00 am.

Once we were here and unpacked we went for a walk to see the campus. It didn't really set in for Lacy that she was "here" in china, and it was still really strange for me to have her here. I love to see Lacy's face when we see anything that is common to China. The way people dress, eat, cook on the street, and other cultural norms for China and not America. She's just excited to be here.

One of the saddest things I have seen so far was on Lacy's first day. I had never seen this, but I have heard about it from others. We were walking around downtown and a young man smacked a girl as we were walking towards them. Another girl stood between them and he just stood there glaring at her. After we had walked past he began to beat her. He punched her and kicked her and threw her to the ground by the hair. All I could think of was to run and to break it up. I wanted to do more but I was thinking about cultures and what was right to do as an outsider so all I did was break it up and make sure the young man walked away, leaving the situation. It was kind of a downer, arriving to China just hours before and then witnessing this. So we tried to do something to cheer ourselves up.

The first week was just a lot of fun... mainly because I was able to watch Lacy take all the site and sounds of China in. She still has yet to get used to the smells and the food. There have been multiple occasions where she has gotten sick to her stomache from street smells of tasting new foods ;) ! I laugh!!

Other than that she's trying to get used to living in a completely different culture. One that has 0 absolutes; not only beliefs, but also in everyday living. you never know when something will change. you may get an answer for something and then one day later it will be completely different. It's a bit frustrating at 1st....

Well... Another update is sure to come very soon. I just wanted to write a little something for now while I was sitting at the computer. I'll think of something more detailed and post it within the next few days. So long!

We love you all and are so very appreciative of all that you do for us! You're all amazing people!

P.S. Our condolences go out to Pam and Jared Mcbee and family for their loss :( What a tragedy. We love you and want you to know we are lifting you up as you grieve.

Andy and Lacy

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