

so this blog doesnt really mean anything except to get things rolling.... since we are going to be in china for a year, we thought creating a website would give people easy access to keep in touch and know what we are up to.... we are really excited for this coming year!! either i or andy will write some blogs to keep everyone updated.... just know though that we have to be careful what we say on here because of where we are.... we hope this to be an interactive tool, so feel free to post comments on anything! we just ask for you to also please be careful of certain words... and feel free to send this site to anyone you know!! so this blog doesnt really mean anything except to get things rolling.... since we are going to be in china for a year, we thought creating a website would give people easy access to keep in touch and know what we are up to.... we are really excited for this coming year!! either i or andy will write some blogs to keep everyone updated.... just know though that we have to be careful what we say on here because of where we are.... we hope this to be an interactive tool, so feel free to post comments on anything we just ask for you to also please be careful of certain words... and feel free to send this site to anyone you know!!

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