


the past several days have been loaded with things to do! our thanksgiving day started with a lil bit of flag football; "turkey bowl" as they like to call it! there were 4 teams and each one was named after a recipe for thanksgiving dinner.... however, they were not normal recipes, such as, ours was called tofu turkey, blah! andy and i were on the same team :) our team got to the final, but lost it in the last seconds of the game.... it was a blast! of course, andy was all over the place and prolly had more grass on him than the field did, which he made some pretty awesome plays! for me, im not a big football player because most of the time i find myself frustrated than anythin else lol running around tryin to get open just to catch a ball, but most of the time you run around for nothing, which is the frustratin part.... all in all, it was pretty fun and chilly!

lunch started at 12, so we didnt get to shower before or there wouldnt be any food left! kinda hard to believe when there was tons of food! foods that actually looked familiar; might have tasted a lil different, but i wasnt complainin! i'm not a big turkey eater, but this turkey was AMAZIN! it was really moist and to be honest, i dont think i have had a moist turkey like that before..... maybe i was so suprised since its china and they dont really have wild turkeys floating around.... the sweet potatoes were suprisingly awesome! i dont really like them or ever eat them, but these were so sweet! it was nice eating around the table with the young married couples and kerry! there are two other young married couples that we usually hang with; steve and rachel, joel and amanda.... they are really fun! we decided at dinner that we would watch an american classic later that night; napoleon dynamite!! we all watched it over our house.....

before we watched the movie, andy and i took like a 4 hour nap while "watchin" seasons of seinfield.... we were both injured during our games; it was pretty funny :) we were just layin there helpless and sore! we had made plans for dinner to go out wit eminem and joyce (students of andys last year); kerry went wit us too and we went to ghetto hotpot once again! for someone who doesnt like hotpot, andy likes to go there a lot.... that was a fun time to spend with them; they are so nice and real good friends!

thanksgiving was really great! althought, we definitely missed everyone back at home! we hope that everyone had an awesome time with family and friends! we were able to talk to most of our family over skype, which was really nice; but not as good as being able to be there.... we love everyone and we wish you an early christmas!! dont get hurt out there buying them gifts!! :)


  1. you and julie...gotta single out the single guy

  2. you and julie...gotta single out the single guy
