

Like I said... we are really wanting to put more into this site so you can see deeper into the culture and into our lives. Unlike Lacy, I hate to write things, I hate to express my inner feelings. All this on top of knowing that one; my grammar is pretty poor and two; I am not sure I can truly express how I feel through words on a web page.

I mentioned before that it was an exceptionally emotional time when Bro' Andre and Bill Simmons were here. This was because they actually got to see us here as well as seeing the culture for what it is. So they understand deeper than those of you who have not been here. the only chance most of you will ever have to experience China is through Lacy and me. So that is why I am wanting to break the silence! I want to do all that I can to break down barriers, walls of any sort and misunderstandings between the East and the West. So here goes my first feeble attempt.

This past weekend we were able to go with a small group of teachers to an orphanage in a town about one hour away. The town's name is Xin Mi ( pronounced "Seen Me"). We took a small bus that we rented and took gifts along with us. We took things they needed such as bathing supplies, fruit, milk, games/toys etc. A care package was prepared individually for each student and then given to them upon arrival. They were so happy to see us. On our way we received a phone call from one of the Chinese workers as the orphanage who asked us where we were. We were about 15 minutes away and he said that the kids were anxiously awaiting our arrival. And... that they were. They were all crowding the gate with smiles and cheers when we arrived. It was similar to a Christmas morning in America, yet these students love to play with us individually.

When we go we usually take about 20-25 plus a few Chinese students who can help translate if needed. The school/orphanage is an exception to the rule when you think of the traditional orphanage. The care the children receive is phenomenal, really... They have both Chinese women and men who deeply care for them. It was refreshing to see the love being shown to them compared to the daily lifestyle and hardness we tend to see. The orphanage was started 10 years ago or so by an American woman (who kind of looks as if she could be Mrs. Meggos's sister). She's from Kansas so she must have a good heart, right!

I say this place is phenomenal not only because the care they receive but, because they are being taught trooth. According to the "standard" they are being treated extra special and are genuinely cared for. Each child has a heart of gold and that golden heart is filled with a man who will always give them the strength they need in life. When I look at these children I hurt because I know they don't have parents and they have been deserted. Then I really look at them and honestly I could never tell that they are orphans. I can't say enough about the care they receive. It's truly a blessing to be able to love on these kids.

So what do we do when we go, you ask? As you see in pictures we play with them, we love them and just give ourselves to them for an afternoon. Because there are so many of them and not enough workers to have one-on-one attention daily we help by giving them that one-on-one or one-on-two attention they need. Last year I was able to go and spent time with two boys Donnie and Charlie. I always think of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" for some reason... I just wish I could be his "Golden Ticket" to a family... Tonya Duke maybe?????? I don't know, I just wish I could bring him home with me. this year I asked Charlie if he remembered me, but because his English is as good as my Chinese we weren't able to have a deep conversation. I asked him this "Ni jide wo ma?" (pronounced "Knee gee duh woe mah") Ni=you, jide=remember, Wo=me/I, Ma=question form.

Charlie shook his head and smiled and gave me a hug, amazing! At first it was difficult to recognize him because I hadn't been there in a year and he had grown up a little. funny how boys grow up in a year. Now he has braces, along with so many other children at the orphanage. Like I said... thy receive super care! Most students don't have the resources or opportunity to have braces in order to improve their teeth. A lot of children will grow up with a few extra teeth that we would have pulled in order to straighten our mouths out. The simple things we never think about or just take for granted because it's an everyday thing.

I said I spent time with two children last year Donnie and Charlie... Well this year Donnie spent time with another teacher who is new and I had an opportunity to get to know another boy, Zack, who's English is pretty good. Not spectacular but better than average.... He was funny because he walked with me everywhere I went. He gave me his name tag and said I could have his name and he wanted my name. Whenever we would walk up to someone else he would introduce himself like this "Ni hao, wo de mingzi Andy, Wo shi er shi ba la" in English... "Hello, my name is Andy and I am 28" so then I would say "Wo de mingzi Duan Zhi Heng" in English... Hello, my name is Duan Zhi Heng (or I would say Zack).

The whole day we spent time playing basketball, or for those who know, we played "knock-out", Chinese Duck-Duck-Goose, ping pong, badminton, and/or hacky sack. It was really fun and a change of pace for us.

Finally, When we were saying our goodbyes, Zack looked at me and said "we are forever friends" and I responded "I love you...." We are planning a trip to go back again sometime in December.

Pry for a girl who is in their care who was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia and put on a lot of hard Rx's. She was taken to another Dr. and he is taking her off of those Rx's slowly to keep her from experiencing a lot of shock or withdrawals. She went for 3 days with no food, water, or sleep... causing her to hallucinate. Therefore the Dr's thought she had schizophrenia...

1 comment:

  1. Andy, nice...Thanks for the details and keep'em coming! Hey, if a person were wanting to support you guys (financially and care package stuff) how would we go about doing that? We are working through a miss unairey list and want to add you guys. We also might be able to help out financially. Let me know.

    Love to you and Lac
