

i just came back from eatin dinner with 2 chinese students who are not my students. lol the story there is that in the beginning of my class; these 2 girls came up to me from the hallway and asked if they could become friends with me.... at first, i was stunned thinking where did that come from; but i was like sure! their english names are tracy and christina! so before october holiday, i met with them for dinner at this pizza place down the street.... and they never had pizza! so it felt nice to not only be able to treat them to dinner, but take them to eat something they have never ate before. they said that they dont go out to eat much because it is too expensive for them.... i talked to them for bout an hour and a half.... just about america, the language, careers.... they are english majors, so they want to be able to practice as much english as they can because the better they are, the better chance they have in finding a job....

i have met with other groups of students and all of them study very hard because it is so competitive.... when i ask them what they did over the weekend or holiday, they always say either sleep or study! (if my sentences seem choppy and simple, it is a habit because i talk to my students like this so they can understand....) so most of the students work very hard in school, but there are some that dont work very hard because their parents can just pay the school to pass them if they fail....

yesterday, i met with a student named Janey; she is very good with english, so i have been teaching her more mature words while we talk.... i was planning a party for andys birthday, so she helped me order a cake and find this gift i wanted to get for andy! she was awesome! since i dont know names of chinese stores, she was able to tell the taxi driver where to go.... there is this new skateboard type thing in china; its not in america.... yet :) i think its called a wave runner.... it has 2 platforms attached together by this rotating rod that allows the platforms to twist back and forth; and its only on 2 wheels that light up when you are rolllin.... alot of kids have one and andy tried it and said he wanted one, so i found a really good deal on one! now all the other guys that teach want one too :) so she helped me get one that was for andys size since hes taller and bigger than most chinese guys....

for andys birthday, some friends and i got together to make dinner for him, which included grilled spam/cheese, mac n cheese, and cream corn! lol for being in china, thats pretty good! so we suprised him with dinner! then we ordered delivery from this chicken place that has chicken sandwiches..... but earlier that day, some friends and i bought this stuffed santa and had the delivery guy bring it with the food when we called in to order lol.... it was hilarious because when the delivery guy knocked on the door; andy opened it with the guy standing there holding santa and our food! lol it was priceless! then we had the delivery guy sit for a little bit and told him to eat some of the mac n cheese; it was so funny! it was a fun night :)

next week, we are going on a trip with a bunch of foreign teachers (other american teachers) to 'Xian; the place where the terra-cotta warriors are located.... those are the statue warriors! since it is october holiday, there will be no school for a week.... so we will go there for 3 days and be back in time for bro. andre to arrive.... im goin to try and write a lil bit about the classes and a lil bit of what its like living here; then when we get back from 'Xian, i will write about that experience :) theres so much to write about!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/30/2008

    You did GREAT! Lacy, I'm so proud of you - I don't think Grandma Sue could have made a prettier cake than that. Glad you are "attracting" students like moths to a flame!!! Miss you terribly!! Elaine
